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Santana Palacios, M., N. McDonald, E. Iacobucci. 2023. Impacts of North Carolina’s Medicaid transformation on community transit systems: A qualitative analysis with policy implications. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 22.

Wang, J., Cochran, A., N. McDonald, E. Vinella-Brusher, M. McKinley. 2023. Spatial and Temporal Trends for COVID-19 Vaccinations. AJPM Focus 2(3).

Iacobucci, E., N. McDonald, R. Naumann, K. Kucera. 2023. Examining Injury Trends in Parcel Delivery Drivers in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 66: 441-453.

Wolfe, M., N. McDonald, E. Ussery, S. George, K. Watson. 2023. Systematic review of active travel to school surveillance in the United States and Canada. Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living 1(3): 127-141.

Lyons, T., N. McDonald. 2023. Last Mile Strategies for Urban Freight Delivery: A Systematic Review. Transportation Research Record 2677(1).

Combs, T., N. McDonald, W. Leimenstoll. 2023. Evolution in Local Traffic Impact Assessment Practices. Journal of Planning Education and Research 43(4): 815-828.

Cochran, A., N. McDonald, L. Prunkl, E. Vinella-Brusher, J. Wang, L. Oluyede, M. Wolfe. 2022. Transportation Barriers to Care Among Frequent Health Care Users During the COVID Pandemic. BMC Public Health 22: 1783.

Iacobucci, E., N. McDonald, C.H.W. Edwards, R. Steiner, and J. Griffith*. 2022. Stemming the Tide: Approaching Urban Freight in the Era of e-Commerce. ITE Journal.

Vinella-Brusher, E., A.L. Cochran, E. Iacobucci, J. Wang, M. Wolfe, L. Oluyede, L. Prunkl, and N.C. McDonald. 2022. Potential of Telehealth to Mitigate Transport Barriers: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Findings, July.

Iacobucci, E., N. McDonald, C.H.W. Edwards, R. Steiner. 2022. Using Social Media to Understand Challenges Faced by US Urban Parcel Delivery Drivers: Reports from the Curb Transport Policy 126: 96-106.

Wang, J., Kaza, N., McDonald, N., Khanal, K. 2022. Socio-Economic Disparities in Activity-Travel Behavior Adaptation During the COVID- 19 Pandemic in North Carolina. Transport Policy 125: 70-78.

Wang, J., Parajuli, S., Cherry, C. R., McDonald, N. 2022. Vulnerable Road User Safety and Freight Vehicles: A Case Study in North Carolina and Tennessee. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 15.

Oluyede, L., A.L. Cochran, M. Wolfe, L. Prunkl, N. McDonald. 2022. Addressing transportation barriers to health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives of Care Coordinators. Transportation Research Part A 159: 157-168.

Oluyede, L., A.L. Cochran, L. Prunkl, J. Wang, M. Wolfe, N. McDonald. 2022. Unpacking Transportation Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Health Care: Interviews with Care Coordinators. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 13.

Wang, J., N. McDonald, A. Cochran. 2021. Health Care Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Mobile Device Data. Health and Place 72.

Cochran, A., J. Wang, L. Prunkl, L. Oluyede, M. Wolfe, N. McDonald. 2021. Access to the COVID-19 vaccine in centralized and dispersed distribution scenarios. Transport Findings.

Kontou, E. and N. McDonald. 2021. Associating ridesourcing with road safety outcomes: Insights from Austin, Texas. PLOS One 16(3).

McDonald, N. and Q. Yuan. 2021. Freight Loading Space Provision: Evidence from the U.S.A. Journal of Urban Planning and Development 147(2).

Combs, T. and N. McDonald. 2021. Driving Change: Exploring the Adoption of Multimodal Local Traffic Impact Assessment Practices. Journal of Transport and Land Use 14(1): 47-64.

McDonald, N., E. Kontou, S. Handy. 2021. Children and Cycling in Cycling for Sustainable Cities ed. J. Pucher and R. Buehler. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Wolfe, M., N. McDonald, S. Arunachalam, R. Baldauf, A. Valencia Arias. 2021. Impact of school location on children’s air pollution exposure. Journal of Urban Affairs 43(8): 1118-1134.

Wolfe, M. and N. McDonald. 2020. Innovative health care mobility services in the US. BMC Public Health 20: 906.

McDonald, N, and T. Combs. 2020. Reinventing TIA: Contemporary Approaches to Addressing the Traffic Impacts of Urban Development. ITE Journal 90(9): 46-49.

Wolfe, M., N. McDonald, G. M. Holmes. 2020. Transportation barriers to health care in the US: Findings from the NHIS, 1997-2017. American Journal of Public Health 110(6): 815-822.

Kontou, E., N. McDonald, K. Brookshire, N. Pullen-Seufert, S. LaJeunesse. 2020. U.S. active school travel in 2017: Prevalence and correlates. Preventive Medicine Reports 17.

Porter, A., E. Kontou, N. McDonald, K. Evenson. 2020. Perceived Barriers to Commuter and Exercise Bicycling in US Adults: The 2017 National Household Travel Survey. Journal of Transport and Health 16.

McDonald, N. and K. Peng. 2020. The changing nature of work and time use: implications for travel demand. In Transportation, Land Use, and Environmental Planning, ed. E. Deakin. Cambridge: Elsevier. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., W.M. Palmer, R. Steiner. 2019. Making the economic case for active school travel. Transport and Children’s Wellbeing. Elsevier.

McDonald, N., Q. Yuan, R. Naumann. 2019. Urban freight and road safety in the era of e-commerce. Traffic Injury Prevention.

Herrador-Colmenero, M., M. Escabias, F.B. Ortega, N.C. McDonald, P. Chillon. 2019. Mode of commuting to and from school: A similar or different pattern. Sustainability 11(4) 1026.

Delbosc, A., N. McDonald, G. Stokes, K. Lucas, G. Circella, Y. Lee. 2019. Millennials in cities: Comparing travel behaviour trends across six case study regions. Cities 90: 1-14.

Combs, T., L. Sandt, M. Clamann, N. McDonald. 2019. Automated Vehicles and Pedestrian Safety: Exploring the Promise and Limits of Pedestrian Detection. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 56(1):1-7.

Besser, L., D.A. Rodriguez, N. McDonald, Y. Song, W.A. Kukull, A.L. Fitzpatrick, S.R. Rapp, T. Seeman. 2018. Neighborhood Built Environment and Cognition in Non-Demented Older Adults: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Social Science & Medicine 200: 27-35.  [Request Article]

Besser, L., N. McDonald, Y. Song, W.A. Kukull, D.A. Rodriguez. 2017. Neighborhood Environment and Cognition in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 53: 241-251. [Request Article]

Marsden, G. and N. McDonald. 2017. Institutional Issues in Planning for More Uncertain Futures. Transportation. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2017. Trends in Automobile Travel, Motor Vehicle Fatalities, and Physical Activity, 2003-2015. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 52(5): 598-605. [Request Article]

Garikapati, V., R. Pendyala, E. Morris, P. Mokhtarian, N. McDonald.2016. Activity Patterns, Time Use, and Travel of Millennials: A Generation in Transition? Transport Reviews 35(5). [Request Article]

Wolfe, M., N. McDonald. 2016. Association Between Neighborhood Social Environment and Children’s Independent Mobility. Journal of Physical Activity & Health 13(9): 970-979.

McDonald, N., R. Steiner, M. Palmer, A. Bullock, V. Sisiopiku, B. Lytle. 2016. Costs of School Transportation: Quantifying the Fiscal Impacts of Encouraging Walking and Bicycling for School Travel. Transportation. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., L. Merlin, H. Hu, J. Shih, D. Cohen, K. Evenson, T. McKenzie, D. Rodriguez. 2016. Longitudinal Analysis of Adolescent Girls’ Activity Patterns: Understanding the Influence of the Transition to Licensure. Journal of Transportation and Land Use 9(2).  [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2015. Are Millennials Really the ‘Go Nowhere’ Generation? Journal of the American Planning Association 81(2): 90-103. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., A. McGrane, E. Rodgman, R. Steiner, W. Palmer, B. Lytle. 2015. Assessing Multimodal School Travel Safety in North Carolina. Accident Analysis & Prevention 74: 126-132.  [Request Article]

McDonald, N., R. Steiner, C. Lee, T. Rhoulac Smith, X. Zhu, Y. Yang. 2014. Impact of the Safe Routes to School Program on Walking and Bicycling. Journal of the American Planning Association 80(2): 153-167. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., D. Salvesen, R. Kuhlman, T. Combs. 2014. The Impact of Changes in State Minimum Acreage Policies on School Siting Practices.  Journal of Planning Education and Research 34(2): 169-179. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., P. Barth, R. Steiner. 2013. Assessing the Distribution of Safe Routes to School Program Funds, 2005-2012. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 45(4): 401-406. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., Y. Yang, S. Abbott, A. Bullock. 2013. Impact of the Safe routes to School Program on Walking and Biking: Eugene, Oregon Study. Transport Policy 29: 243-248. [Request Article]

Sisiopiku, V., Ramadan, O. and McDonald, N. 2013. Development of a Cost Breakdown Structure for Quantifying School Transportation Costs for Various Modes. European International Journal of Science and Technology 2(6):235-250.

McDonald, N. 2012. Is There a Gender Gap in School Travel? An Examination of U.S. Children and Adolescents. Journal of Transport Geography 20: 80-86. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., A. Brown, L. Marchetti, and M. Pedroso. 2011. U.S. School Travel 2009: An Assessment of Trends. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 41(2): 146-151. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., A. Dwelley, T. Combs, K. Evenson, and R. Winters II. 2011. Reliability and Validity of the Safe Routes to School Parent and Student Surveys. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8(56). [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2010. School Siting: Contested Visions of the Community School. Journal of the American Planning Association 76(2): 184-198[Request Article]

Marshall, J., R Wilson, Katie Meyer, S. Rajangam, N. McDonald, and E. Wilson. 2010. Vehicle Emissions during Children’s School Commuting: Impacts of Education Policy. Environmental Science & Technology. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., E. Deakin, and A. Aalborg. 2010. Influence of the Social Environment on Children’s School Travel. Preventive Medicine 50(S1): 65-68. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. and M. Trowbridge. 2009. Does the Built Environment Affect When American Teens Become Drivers? Evidence from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey. Journal of Safety Research 40(3): 177-183. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. and A. Aalborg. 2009. Why Parents Drive Children to School: Implications for Safe Routes to School Programs. Journal of the American Planning Association 75(3): 331-342. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2008. Household Interactions and Children’s School Travel: The Effect of Parental Work Patterns on Walking and Biking to School. Journal of Transport Geography 16: 324-331. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2008. The Effect of Objectively Measured Crime on Walking in Minority Adults. American Journal of Health Promotion 22(6): 433-436. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2008. Critical Factors for Active Transportation to School Among Low-Income and Minority Students: Evidence from the 2001 National Household Travel Survey. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 34(4): 341-344. [Request Article]

Trowbridge, M. and N. McDonald. 2008. Urban Sprawl and Miles Driven Daily by Teenagers in the United States. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 34(3): 202-206. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2008. Children’s Mode Choice for the School Trip: The Role of Distance and School Location in Walking to School. Transportation 35(1):23-35. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. and M. Howlett. 2007. Pupil Transportation Funding: A Framework for Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2009: 98-103. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2007. Active Transportation to School: Trends Among U.S. Schoolchildren, 1969-2001. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 32(6):509-516. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2007. Travel and the social environment: Evidence from Alameda County, California. Transportation Research D 12: 53-63. [Request Article]

McDonald, N. 2006. An Exploratory Analysis of Children’s Travel Patterns. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1977: 1-7[Request Article]

McDonald, N., S. Librera, and E. Deakin. 2004. Free Transit for Low-Income Youth: Experience in the San Francisco Bay Area. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1887: 153-160. [Request Article]

McDonald, N., C. Porter, and R. Gorham. 2003. Availability of Travel Forecasting Methods and Data for Air Quality Planning in Developing Countries. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1859: 110-116.

McDonald, N. and R. Noland. 2001. Simulated Travel Impacts of High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane Conversion Alternatives.Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 1765: 1-7. [Request Article]